Ten Tips for Training Your Puppy to go Potty Outside
Consistency is key in housebreaking your puppy

The Importance of Breed
The thing is, there is no such thing as enough training to rid a dog of inherent traits that have been bred into their DNA

The Drive Home
Never let your puppy drive home haha. Whether you are going a short distance, or farther away, a crate is absolutely the safest way to transport a dog.

Part I—Why A Crate is a Great Idea
It’s important to understand that you will not be able to supervise your puppy constantly and a crate will give him someplace of his own where he is safe and unable to get up to any shenanigans when you are busy.

Part 2—Making Sure Your Puppy Loves His Crate
Dogs are naturally den animals and once your puppy understands that the crate is his very own den, it will come to represent comfort and security to him.

Part 3—Crating Your Puppy at Night
The reason the crate should be in the room with you is because it’s very unlikely that your puppy will sleep through the full night.